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Do you know the feeling when you should do something and end up procrastinating?
Yeah, me too. It's called guilt.
Guilt is an interesting feeling because it's self-inflicted. Well, if I'm honest, all emotions are self-inflicted. But guilt...
Time is an illusion, yet it can rule our lives if we don't know how to use it.
I personally have struggled with being on time practically my whole life. And I recently healed the "first event" that unconsciously created the constant experience of...
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cancel culture captain career careful cause cdc censorship center challenge challenge accepted change change point channeling cheating cheers choices choose choose love choose yourself choreographers choreography claim clarity clean up clear clear out clearing co-create co-creator collective comfort zone commitment communication compassion complete complex comply conditioned confidence confidence competence loop confim conform connection conscious consecutive consider consistancy consistency conspiracy theories control cost courage create creating creative creative block creative power creative process creative wall creativity creators credit critical thinking cryptocurrency curiosity curious curly hair cut off cycle daily dance dance career dance industry dancer dancers dare day dazy girl death decentralization decide decision dedication deepak chopra default defense defi define deliberate creator deny desire desired result destiny destruction detach detox develop died differences differently dirt disagree discipline discover discrimination divided divine divine feminine divine wisdom do dog dog rescue doggy drama dream dream big dream bigger dream life dreams dreams do come true duality dust yourself off ease easter sunday easy edge educated effect effective effort ego ego bonding egypt elevate emotional emotions empowered energy enjoy enjoy the journey enjoy the process enough entanglement entertainment industry essence evaluate every day evidence evolution evolving excellence excited execute existence experience explain express expression extraordinary face value facts faith faithful family family roots family time fasting favorite fear feel feel good feelings financial finding your tribe fix fix it fixed mindset flat earth flat earthers flow flow state fly fly high focus follow follow your heart follow-through for forced forgiveness foster fail foundation free free will freedom freedom of speech freestyle freinds frequency friendship frustration fuel fulfillment full out fun fur babies furever home future future self game changer gap generous genius genuine get clear gibberish gift gifts give give more give up glory go big goal goals god god is god power god self god's love god's wealth god's will going within gold good gossip grace grateful gratitude gravity great great awakening greater future greatest self greatness grieving grow growing growth growth mindset guilt habit habits happiness happy harmony hashtag heal healing process healthy healthy boundaries heart help here high road high vibration higher power higher self highest good hints history honesty honor hoping how human human being human body humanity humility i am identity illusion imagination imagine immaculate impact implicit bias improve improvise incredible infinite intelligence infinite possibilities injustice inner being inquisitive inspiration inspire inspired action instagram intention intuition inventory invest investigate investment inward is it is done jim rohn journal journey joy judgement judgment jump just do it justice justify keep going key key to success kindness know know yourself knowing knowledge labels last words laughter law law of attraction lead leader leap of faith learn legends lessons learned let go let god letting go levitate liberty lie of limitation life life coach life-changing light limitation limiting beliefs listen listening lists living living in peace living out loud living the dream loa lonely lonely island love love it loved loving magic magic of life magical magnet magnificent mainstream media making gains manifest manifestation monthly manifesting marie kondo masculine energy masks master matrix meaning medical segregation meditation mental mentor mercy mess message metaverse middle ground mind mindset minting miracle miraculous mirror work mission money monster of destruction moral more morning routine mother nature motivation move forward msm music musician must my love natural creators natural health navigate necessary need needle movers negative reation new new ideas new identity new norm new posibilities new rules new self new skill new way new world nft nft art no plan note to self now old old world omnipresent one one of a kind open open hearts open-minded opinionated opportunity optimist organize original outcome outstanding overcome own ownership owning pain passion past path pause pay pay it forward pcr peace perfect perfect health perfect love permission perseverance personal freedom personality perspective physical plan planting seeds playing small pledge point of view polarization population control positive positive effect possibility potential power power of gratitude powerful practice praise god prayer prejudice prepare present moment pressure privacy prize pro-health problem process process of receiving procrastination productivity productivity tools progress promise proof propaganda prosperity purpose quality question everything questions quick fix quiz rabbit hole rate rating rational re-member react reaction reactionary reactionary soup read ready real realist reality rebirth receiving red hair reflection rejection rejoice relationships relaxed relearn release release it relentless relief remarkable reprogram require rescue research resiliance resilience resistance resistance boogieman reslience respect respond responsibility responsible rest rest in peace results resurrection right righteous rise up role model roots safe salvation save scatter brain science seeds segregation self self betrayal self-development self-esteem self-love self-respect self-worth sensing sensitive separation service set sail seth godin settle shadow shadow self shift shine shine bright show up sides silence silver lining simple skill skillset smart contracts snowflake social gap social media society soft solution solutions soul soul's toolbox source source energy sovereignty space speak specific spectrum spirit spiritual spring cleaning stale start start now stop hiding stories strong structure struggle stuck student subconscious success suconscious mind suffering superpower supply support surrender system systems take action take care talent talents teacher technology temple tenacity thank you thank you god thankful the future the internet the m(asses) the universe the way the who think thomas edison thought thrive thyself time to tool transform transformation transition transmute trapped tribe tribute trigger triggered true trust truth try again tune in tuning in type a type a personality type b type b personality tyranny unaware uncertainty unconditional unconditional love unconscious understanding undo unfold unfolding unfulfilled unhappy uninspired unique unite unity universe unknown unlearn unleash unlimited unmotivated unplug unquestioning belief unstuck unwanted unwilling uplift vaccine vaccines validation value vaxxed vegan veil versus vessel vibrancy vibration victimhood victory virtuous clan vision visualize vow walk walk away want wanting war wealth web 3.0 what whispers whole why willing winning wisdom wish wishing with love woke wonderful words work work ethic world world peace worth worthy writers block writing wrong yes you your dreams are real