Become Anew.

anew blessed death fear god life love magic magic of life need new new posibilities new self safe unknown validation victimhood worthy Sep 02, 2021

11:20 pm

 Me: Why do we fear death so much?

Spirit: You fear death because it is fear of the Unknown. The combination of your ego with your thinking mind gets in the way of you being excited to call in the Unknown. You would rather have "certainty" and "safety." Both of which are illusions of time and space. The Unknown is where the Magic of Life is, and you are so self-absorbed with keeping things in order that you actually kill off your dreams in spite of yourself. A life lived in the Unknown is quite literally Magic. And you don't know this because your ideas of living are contained to knowing what's going to happen next. 

Truly living means learning to allow Me to give and pour into your life. But you hold fast to your limiting beliefs like you won the lottery. Holding them high for everyone to see and admire. "See, look at my narrow mindset. Look at me judging. Look at me blaming and playing the victim. Look at me. Please, someone, look at me. I need you to acknowledge me and my limited thinking. I need you to agree with my sliver of perspective. Someone, please see me and acknowledge me."

We do not say this to create more disharmony in your life. We say this so you can see how far and deep you go to get attention and prove your worthiness. Because without this, you believe your life isn't worth living. You might as well be dead.

My child, I see you. I love you. I breathe you. I pour into you. I free you from living in vain.

You are precious, whole, and complete. You just being alive in your body at this perfect moment is worth writing 1000 sonnets in your name. You are that magnificent, brilliant, and Wholly.

Although you fear death, if you were to let your need and attachments die, you would absolutely shine so bright that no container could contain your light. Free yourself by letting need die. Free yourself by letting acceptance die. Free yourself by letting attachments die. Release and let go of everything you think life is about. Life is the most miraculous experience, and you are squandering it with your tiny narrow point of view. Your way is not the only way. And your way is not working for you. It's working against you. Release everything you think you know and be free from your ego's lead.

Death of the ego is the most splendid experience once you discover how to kill it. Until then, you will suffer with the rest of the world, who accepts judgmental behavior. This is a true sickness that is plaguing your world, and you don't even know it.

Shed, release, forgive, let go, allow, receive, give thanks, be open, love more, have grace, be kind, transform your spirit, and you will be made anew. And from that renewed place, the Unknown is no longer your enemy. It becomes your LIFE.

My child, you are blessed beyond words and worlds. There is nothing to fear. There is nothing to worry about. There is only LOVE if and when you make the space for IT.

Let it all go and become anew.


With lots of LOVE,
Friends of Teresa

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