TOWARDS the Resistance.

challenge courage fear fulfillment limiting beliefs mental move forward playing small resistance safe unknown Apr 04, 2022

There is a lot we can learn from the feeling of resistance.

It's as if we're all living in this invisible "safety bubble," aka comfort zone. It seems as if every time we want to experience something beyond the bubble, we hesitate. We start thinking of all the reasons we can't do it, or we're suddenly too busy cleaning the kitchen floor to follow through.

Resistance is an incredible tool if we know how to use it properly.

The trick is to notice when we're in "fight or flight" mode. We instantly feel discomfort and will do just about anything to alleviate the mental anguish EXCEPT the one thing that genuinely relieves the pressure.

That's called moving TOWARDS the resistance.

When we recognize the mind running away, that's the time to put on our big boy/ girl pants and MOVE FORWARD.

A part of the reason we're shying away from the new experience is that it lives in the space called the Unkown. And that place has been built up in our minds to be as scary as death.

Yet everything that has brought us to this exact moment was because we moved through some version of resistance in our lives. For us to evolve, express, and experience life at a more fulfilling level, we must move through the fear.

Or we can stay in our precious bubble-wrapped life wishing, hoping, wanting that thing that's just right outside our reach. 

The latter option is the one most people take in life. But not you. And certainly not me. 

We are the kind of people that constantly poke at our invisible limiting beliefs and strive to prove they have no power over us.

And for this, I say BRAVO to YOU.

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocmetrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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