Need a Need.

action assignment feel habits inspired action mindset mission motivation necessary need purpose require unmotivated why Oct 08, 2021

I was listening to Jim Kwik talk about three aspects of following through on our actions.

  1. Mindset
  2. Methods
  3. Motivation

We all have an area of our lives where we SAY we want to start a new habit or drop an old one. And we know WHY it would be good to start or drop the habit, but we just can't seem to get to the point of taking action and following through.

We can have our reason, the method, and feel as if, "Tomorrow is a NEW DAY! I got it! I will start that good thing tomorrow!"

Well, we know the rest of the story. Tomorrow comes, all that energy is gone, and we fall right back into the same ole routine as yesterday.

As I was thinking this over, I had an epiphany about motivation and the lack thereof.

When it comes to motivation and taking action, it all comes down to... NECESSITY.

The definition of NECESSARY is:

  • Need or Required.
  • Unavoidably determined by prior conditions or circumstances; inevitable.
  • Required by obligation, completion, or convention.

I've noticed in the past when working on someone else's project I know how to be there and complete the tasks. But when it comes to my Mission, I can't seem to keep a deadline unless it affects someone else. So if the deadline is only on me, it completely goes out the window. And I work at a very leisurely pace, if at all.

So I recognize if I don't FEEL there is a NEED for me to finish or even start a project, then my agenda suffers from a lack of motivation.


So what am I to do? What do you do?

I don't have a well-formed solution as this is a brand new realization. But I now understand I NEED a NEED to accomplish what I SAY I want to do or change. And this one bit to the puzzle is the beginning of a shift.

I know it.

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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