Connect the Dots.

be better beliefs better better life change connection emotional empowered feel feel good feelings life-changing mirror work reflection transformation victimhood victory Jul 03, 2021

A change in feeling is a change in life.

For most people, we have it backward. We think we are feeling a certain way because something happened. But this is not really how Life works. I mean, it does work, but it doesn't serve the people in our lives or us. So, in short, there is a better approach.

Fueled by emotions does not allow us to be in the driver's seat of our lives. Yet, in every moment, we can change our perspectives and feelings associated with a particular story.

You see, we are only looking at life from our own personal outlook. We let our emotions of what happened rule our behavior. This is a TRAP. Yes, just because it's widely accepted as "natural" doesn't mean we shouldn't attempt to do better.

Here's the catch. We're all doing our best to figure out our path in life. And we either accept this is the way life "is," or we start cleaning up our sides of the street.

I'm not saying it's easy to do. Trust me. I fall for the emotional outbursts and lashing out too. And after I get it out, I'm left with numb exhaustion.

There's this part of me that is wanting to understand. The thing that "made" me feel a certain way was really my own reflection staring back at me. And this is true for every single person. 

Everything that happens "to" us is a mirror of our beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and perspectives. But NO THING is happening "to" us. It's ALL happening FOR us. There is a big difference. But, again, knowing it's FOR us takes us from victim to EMPOWERED.

Nothing is an accident or coincidence. But, if you take the time to dig deep, you'll be able to connect the dots from the unwanted experience to your innermost beliefs. And those beliefs and thoughts ARE the magnets for the unwanted.

But here's the great news. The same is true for all the WONDERFUL things in your life too! So all the blessings on blessings on blessings are from the magnet of your beliefs.

This brings us back to the top. "A change in feeling is a change in life."

If you decide to change your life for the better, start looking at YOUR beliefs, stories, feelings, thoughts, and actions. The dots are there. Connect them.

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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