Attributes of Greatness

action assignment best best self calling commitment consistancy courage faith focus gifts greatest self greatness happiness imagination key to success knowing leader ownership passion resilience self-worth success talents value Aug 03, 2022

I don't know about you, but I have this compulsive desire NOT to follow the rules. Lol. And then there's this other part of me that loves to color inside of the lines. So I get a little bummed when the color passes the outline. And then I tell myself it doesn't matter. It's not perfect. Yet it is.

We are so hard on ourselves. We want the best for ourselves and others and then find ourselves stressed the f^ck out. So, where is the line for going all in and at the same time letting go of the pressure to perform?

Is there even such a thing? Whenever I watch videos on working hard from highly successful people, I struggle with some concepts.

I guess the operative words are "highly successful." But what are we acknowledging? Fame and wealth?

If we dig deeper, there are other layers to their notoriety. Some of the common denominators are:

  • Dedication
  • Commitment
  • Consistency
  • Laser Focus
  • Tenacity
  • Resilience
  • Passion
  • Obsession
  • Imagination
  • Self-worth
  • Knowing
  • Faith
  • Belief in self
  • Courage
  • Deliberate
  • Ownership of self
  • Values
  • Priorities
  • Massive Action
  • Leadership

I'm sure I'm missing other aspects on this list. 

When I look at the list, I'm not sure if I have all of these qualities. I think the main one I'm missing is "Massive Action." And if I'm honest, I'm not sure if that's my type of speed in this part of my life. I know I had it when I was a dancer. However, my priorities have changed from being "single" minded during my dance career to having a family with my partner, with who I love spending time doing "nothing."

I will say, I take action consistently on a daily basis, even if it's just for an hour. 

But then I saw this video of Kobe talking about his practice regimen. He wakes up at 3am to practice 4-6am, takes a break, then practices 9-11am, break, 2-4pm, break, 7-9pm. He understood the power of compound time and energy in practicing his craft. Hence there's no doubt he knew what it took to be the BEST and become a legendary example of GREATNESS.

But what about the rest of us mortal humans?

Are we supposed to judge our lives off of his insatiable need to play at such a godly status?

Obviously, I can't answer that question for you.

What if we just want to be happy? Is that enough?

Maybe the real question is about discovering our Calling. How do we KNOW what our Assignment is in this lifetime?

Once we realize our Assignment, that last part of Massive Action takes care of itself. And if we happen to know what It is and we're NOT moving towards It, then no matter what we do, we will not be truly happy.

Real talk, is that even true?

Like all emotions, happiness is a choice. But, can we experience happiness without moving towards our unique Greatness? Can we be happy even if we're NOT putting time into our gifts and talents?


As you can see, I don't have any answers, just more questions.

Well, one thing I do know is our lives are meant to be colored however WE CHOOSE. And the external pressure to live into our "greatness" is someone else's idea of how life becomes "meaningful."

I even have a hashtag I use. #yourgreatnessiscalling

I saw this other video of some guy who lived on a small island all by himself. I don't know if he's happy or not, but that seems like a Calling to me. 

Let me see if I can tie this ramble together...

Each of us has unique gifts and talents. And within these unparalleled Gifts, we have a specific Calling on our lives. And if we have the courage to discover It, we will develop the path to our Greatness. But in understanding and staying in our lane, we accept it will not look like Kobe's or the man on the island. So we are free to break the rules, color outside the lines, and create a pathway all unto ourselves.

Taking it back to the list of attributes for Greatness, when we KNOW our Assignment, we won't need a list of virtues to try to apply. Instead, we will be all of them with ease and joy.

That feels pretty wrapped up.

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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