What Aaliyah Said

aaliyah audition dance dance industry dreams dust yourself off entertainment industry key key to success passion rejection remarkable reslience show up skill success try again Feb 21, 2021

I had some sad moments today, but don't feel bad for me, please! I am extremely RESILIENT. It's a skill I've become rrreeeeeaaaaally good at.

Resilience: The ability to recover quickly from illness, change, or misfortune.

Being in the entertainment industry absolutely REQUIRES a person to be resilient if they want to be successful.

There's no getting around this fact.

My skill at having resilience is partly based on pure passion. No matter how many times I've been rejected at auditions, I kept showing up to the next one, and the next, and the next, and the next...

Even after going on tour with Janet Jackson, I still had to go back to the audition pool and deal with getting rejected some more! I wasn't guaranteed the next gig just because I had Janet on my resume.

I still had to SHOW UP and do the work. And not just do the work, but do the work FULL THE F* OUT!

As I sit here writing this, I can't stress enough how important it is to have the internal strength and fortitude to keep showing up for you and your Dreams. Having resilience is the key to your success.

So you have a choice.

You can play safe by hiding, being inconsistent, and waiting for someone to give you a chance in hopes of never getting rejected, hurt, or wounded.


You can move forward with that fire in your heart and know that if/ when you get knocked down, you're going to pick yourself up, lick your wounds, and light that fire again, and GOOOOOOO!

I want to remind you you're meant to accomplish INCREDIBLE, EXTRAORDINARY, and REMARKABLE things in this lifetime! It's ok if you get a little bruised along the way as long as you don't let the pain stop you.

In the words of the incomparable Aaliyah, "Dust yourself off and try again."

With lots of LOVE,


#plantingseeds #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose



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