The most uninteresting title: My 1st Blog Post!

1st blog post blog blog post free honesty vow Feb 15, 2021

Hey, but it's true. Well, sort of true. Lol. I wrote my first blog posts on Tumblr almost ten years ago. I just reread them, and I can't believe how open and honest I was about myself! It's frighteningly transparent. I can't seem to bring myself to repost them now! They're still out in cyberspace if you want to find them.

As I reread the posts, I can't help but feel in awe of that type of public honesty. What was I going through that I felt so... free?

Today I hope to get back to "her," and at the same time, be the "better" version. I feel as if I have things stirring underneath the veil waiting to be freed. And that is a bit scary.

I have challenged myself to write a blog post every day for the next 30 days. My vow to you and myself is to share with a generous and curious heart.

With lots of LOVE,

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