The Law of Cause and Effect

beliefs best self cause change effect empowered experience law life limiting beliefs ownership power responsible words Apr 30, 2022

The thing most people don't understand is how their words, which are fueled by their beliefs, create their current circumstances. Most people think they are experiencing an unwanted situation because it's happening TO them. Yet, this very belief means they are in a disempowering position in life.

When things happen TO a person, the only way for the unwanted situation to change is by chance. But this is not how Life works. 

Life is governed by 12 Immutable Laws, one of them being The Law of Cause and Effect.

"Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law." ~ The Kybalion

This Law allows us to own our power by rearranging our beliefs that everything is happening TO us, and instead, EVERYTHING is happening FROM us. This means WE ARE THE CAUSE of everything we are experiencing.

This Law does not require our belief in it to work. It is already in use in your life now. And you might disagree with the idea that you are the CAUSE of your current reality, but that doesn't mean it isn't working.

It's like saying I disagree with Gravity, but it's still doing what Gravity does with or without your agreement or belief. The same thing goes for The Law of Cause and Effect. It's at play whether we like it or not.

The great news is once we accept we are the CAUSE and creator of our reality, we instantly have the power to change whatever parts of our lives we no longer want to experience. 

If we are tired of being sick, broke, and struggling in life, we can CHANGE the EFFECTS of being sick, broke, and struggling because we know WE are the CAUSE.

What I'm sharing is absolute Truth. I didn't make this up. IT just IS. And we either have it work for us or against us. We either understand and apply it or stay uniformed and beat up by it.

The choice is yours.

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocomtrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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