Simple Shifts.

change habits shift social media transformation Jan 28, 2022

Not gonna lie. I'm done... for the night. lol

I am a night owl and in the process of shifting my schedule back to mornings.

This means I need to get the blog done sooner and turn off the computer and phone by a certain time to get enough sleep.

My problem is after I write the blog, I go to social media to post it to put it out there. And I can easily get caught up the minute I log in. It's like it becomes this vortex that has a strong magnetic pull. lol

I know I'm not the only one who struggles with putting the phone down. Even social media creators have said they made it addictive, and they also find it challenging to turn it off. 

So I've decided to put some parameters on my phone to help me successfully shut it all off.

  1. I started using the "Downtime" feature in "Settings" under "Screen Time." I plugged in a time when a select group of apps automatically turned off every night. They also stay off until a specific time in the morning, so I'm not tempted to log in right when I wake up.
  2. I also put time limits on specific apps that take up a lot of my attention. Yes, you can override the time limits, but it helps to notice another 15 minutes was wasted. Do you want to waste another 15 mins and another and another? lol
  3. Last but not least, I put an alarm to go off every night to Re-Mind me I have 15 mins to wrap up my work with the computer and phone. 

As you can see, the willpower to turn the electronics off is close to zero. And because I want to change my life, I know I need to change my habits.

Trust me, don't knock these slight shifts. As Jim Rohn likes to say, "Start with an apple a day." That's the key to dramatically transforming your life.

If you know there are areas in your life you want and can do better, then it's up to you to make the small yet impactful shifts that make a big difference.

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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