Sick, Ill, & Mentally Unstable

act of war choose love healthy love mental righteous separation Dec 28, 2021

I know there is an illness going around the world. And we are literally tearing ourselves apart because of how we "see" it. But this is just the surface.

The actual sickness affecting the globe is we all believe in separation. We have weaponized our beliefs of "right and wrong" onto each other. Then we take it a step further and justify our attacks, estrangement, and judgments as necessary for the "greater good."

We have unleashed our deeply rooted fears for everyone to see. Everyone feeling vindicated by others who join our "side."

All this means is that we are SICK, ILL, and MENTALLY UNSTABLE. All of us. No matter what "side" we're on.

And the reason we unconsciously form clans is that we would rather be "right" than BE LOVING, UNIFIED, and HAPPY.

That's it. It's literally that simple. So why aren't more people being loving?

Because we have been conditioned to believe in the lie of separation, and in that lie, it's outstandingly EASY to attack, defend, blame, condemn, shame, and guilt anyone we disagree with. Adding in the fact that as a society, we are completely addicted to feeling the thrill of drama that comes with defending and fighting one another.

It's literally insane. All of us are insane.

This socially acceptable abuse clearly highlights how mad we all are.

So now I'm speaking to YOU. Yes, YOU who are reading this right now. I have a proposition for you.

It's time we Re-Member Who We Really Are. Re-Member the Truth about Us.


There is NO place where you and I are not unified as ONE. And we Re-Member that an attack on another is actually an attack on the Self.

So here are our options moving forward:

  1. Keep reinforcing the illusion of separation by keeping things as they are.
  2. Start supporting our UNITY by being loving and giving grace to everyone you meet.

That's it, folks. That's the assignment.

We got this!!

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #drreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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