Oxygen Mask.

curiosity desire healthy boundaries need permission want Jun 30, 2021

The things we do for love. We will contort, be uncomfortable, make space, and sacrifice in the name of love. But we also must keep an eye on HOW much and to what LENGTH.

There has to be a healthy balance of giving and receiving. I know this sounds trite and simple. But sometimes, we need a Re-Minder of the little things that can become large elephants in the room over time if we're not mindful.

If we feel as if we're the ones always giving, giving, giving with slight returns, or left feeling drained, then we could stand to reevaluate ourselves. The main reason we find ourselves with that type of deal in our relationships is that we don't know how to give to ourselves. It's easier to prioritize others so we can deflect our own wants, needs, and desires. 

Why would anyone do that?

Well, for one, it's not a conscious decision. It's the way it's always been, so there's no awareness to change it.

And for two, to change the dynamic to the self is scarier and MORE uncomfortable. Kind of like that saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

But the truth is, we might not be "broken," but it's definitely NOT healthy.

So what can we do? What are our options to change this unhealthy devotion?

  1. Start the day by asking yourself, "What do I want?" This simple question is the beginning of the shift in the dynamics of your relationships. It puts you in the driver's seat instead of the backseat.
  2. Ask yourself, "WHY am I giving so much? And what do I need to give to MYSELF that I'm denying right now?"
  3. Notice how uncomfortable you feel by putting yourself FIRST in your own life. The ego/ mind will try to convince you of how "selfish" you're being. And it will tell you that the other people in your life NEED you. This is an unstable form of finding value. The real value comes from WITHIN. It's exactly like the safety announcement on a plane, "Put on your own oxygen mask first." Because the value you give to others is by filling your cup up first.

The best thing we can do from here is to release our instinct to put others first. This doesn't mean we're terrible people. It means to pour into us, so we truly have something to give.

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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