New Seeds.

better life change experience new planting seeds struggle transformation Jan 04, 2022

Every experience you've ever had started with a seed that was planted either consciously or unconsciously. Truth be told, most of our lives, we have been unaware of the seeds we've planted hence why some of us are not living the life we want.

The struggle with money, relationships, and health stem from seeds we planted years and possibly decades ago. And all along the way, we were watering and fertilizing them without even knowing it.

The tools we misuse against our desired life are the combination of thoughts, words, and feelings that create our actions or reactions. We go through life believing and edifying our self-imposed limitations. And we do all of this without realizing the lack, struggle, or limitation is created BY us.

My question is, are you ready to change your life?

If the answer is yes, here are three simple hacks you can use to turn your life around for the better.

  1. Create a list of words or statements that block your abundance and stop using them when speaking to YOURSELF and others.
  2. Stop focusing on what you DON'T have and instead shift your focus towards what you choose.
  3. Dance your way out of a negative mindset. The combination of music and the body moving is a very powerful tool to get the Flow going.

The best part about Life is we get to choose NEW SEEDS right now! This means we can begin to take out the weeds that no longer serve us and create a plentiful and fulfilling harvest.

Now, what new seeds are you going to plant for 2022?!

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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