Lens Cleaner

actions clarity clean up desired result feelings get clear habits highest good limiting beliefs mindset perspective words Apr 18, 2022

You know, if you wear glasses at some point, you have to clean the lenses. As a result, things look cloudy, and it's hard to focus.

The same thing goes for our beliefs and perspectives.

We can get cloudy and unfocused if we're unaware of HOW we view life. So it becomes vital that we look at our thoughts, beliefs, and actions to understand the root cause of our experiences.

If you find yourself in a funk, your lens on life is not clear. So it's time to pull out the lens cleaner.

So how do we do that with our minds?

  1. Notice how you FEEL. Noticing feelings can tell you a lot about how your mindset creates your results. If you're feeling great, keep doing the things that feel good. If you're feeling down, there's some shadow work to look at and bring to the light. 
  2. Look at the words you use in conversations with others. For example, do you use "should, don't, can't, want, but, wish, try, tomorrow, broke, worry, or unsure?" This shortlist is just the tip of the iceberg. Noticing language that doesn't support your Highest Good is a great place to start cleaning up the mind.
  3. Do your actions line up with your desired life? If not, then take a look at what you're NOT doing first. Then take inventory of the habits that are getting in the way. Both of these aspects correlate to what's happening in the mind.

By looking at our feelings, words, and actions, we can make small shifts that have long-term effects. All it takes is clearing up one part of your life and building off of that.

Spot by spot. Smudge by smudge. The mental fog can and will get clean and clear.

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose


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