It's time to change lanes.

aim change clarity confidence consistency dream big dreams every day focus fun goal improve life-changing limiting beliefs perspective potential purpose shift transformation Feb 25, 2021

What do you want? Are you clear on your Goals, Dreams, and Purpose?

Or do you mostly think and talk about what you DON'T have?

There's a significant distinction between being clear on the aim versus focused on the lack of the aim. Unfortunately, most people don't realize this one little shift in perspective is literally LIFE-CHANGING.

Check-in with yourself about your BIG DREAMS and ask yourself these 3 questions to kick start your transformational process NOW. 

  1. Do I feel anxious, uncertain, fearful, or uninspired when I think about my DREAMS, or do I feel excited, ready to take the next step, and receiving inspired action?
  2. If money and time were not a factor, what would I truly want to experience, be, do, or have in my life?
  3. What do I need to do differently or better to have a differently better life?

Here's what to do next.

Get out your journal and your favorite pen and take 5 - 10 mins to answer these questions with as much honesty as possible.

You have so much untapped potential just waiting to be experienced, but you must step forward with clarity, courage, and consistency.

Do the internal work and get that clarity from the first question: What do you want?

Then without knowing how it's going to turn out, show up.

And then, show up EVERY DAY.

Shift your focus from thinking and justifying all of the limiting beliefs and stories that do not serve you.

And start thinking, talking, and acting on the excitement, fun, and love of your DREAMS.

Dream BIG, my Friend!

With lots of LOVE,


#plantingseeds #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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