Fix It.

be better beliefs better world evolution fear fix it humanity justify mess ownership responsible Mar 20, 2022

Don't be so cold.

That's the message I just heard, and I'm meant to share it with you.

Not exactly sure what that means yet. Let's find out.

Humanity is in a state of crisis to the point where we have forgotten to be humane to one another.

We live in these isolated worlds of fear that overlap with others who feel the same way. And with this sense of "community," we justify our mental, emotional, verbal, and physical attacks onto others.

It's as if everyone is playing out their own individual war upon another's values, beliefs, and ideals. Yet, we think it's about the person, group, or entity that we dislike and believe they've got it wrong.

Not once taking the time to look within and acknowledge that maybe WE are just as much a part of the problem as "they" are. This part of the equation means we might be carrying some responsibility for the way things are turning out.

The truth is we are ALL responsible for how things are showing up in the world.


Whenever we stand on our high horse and claim another is evil, wrong, or to blame, we immediately say, "It ain't my fault."

On the other side of the coin, we're not responsible for anyone but ourselves.

I know what you're thinking. But, Teresa, you can't have it both ways. Are we responsible for everything or only ourselves?

The short answer is BOTH.

Yet here is the connecting piece I believe you're looking for.

We look at the wrongs of the world, and we shout out, "Someone is responsible for this mess. Who's going to clean it up. Who's going to make the change? Who's going to fix this wrong?"

The short answer to all of these questions is YOU.

Imagine this.

Every time we want someone else to "fix" things, what we're actually doing is contributing to more fear. So although we might not be directly responsible for the evil, wrong, or deplorable circumstance, we instantly become responsible the minute we justify ADDING to the mess our own mental, emotional, verbal, and physical attacks.

I'm saying this because I see how I've done this very thing in many areas of my life.

It's so much easier to see others doing wrong or misdeeds. But what about our own? Do we need someone else to point them out before we start recognizing the part we play?

This is why taking responsibility for what's showing up is so important. Not just for our own sake, but for the evolution of humanity.

Yes, each person is responsible for the state of the world, but changing it for the better starts with YOU.

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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