Don't Color Outside the Lines.

awareness conditioned curious limiting beliefs new rules playing small reprogram unconscious May 12, 2022

It's so interesting how we have been programmed or conditioned to play small. But unfortunately, we don't even realize this for most of our lives. And for some, their whole life is played small.

This is not a judgment as in someone is wrong or bad for playing small. Instead, this is awareness shining light in a dark place. And once we see the "issue," then we can do something about it. But if we're not even aware of our limiting beliefs, then we will continue to live life in the same unconscious programming.

We've been told, "Don't color outside the lines, or else!"

Or else what?

We're so afraid to even try because of the fear of being rejected, ridiculed, and seen as a failure. And if we go too far out of the conditional lines, people might not like us anymore. And we can't have that happen because that's as close to death as not being liked and accepted by others.

I don't say this like I'm not affected by the same conditioning. I have my own limiting beliefs that keep me "safe." Some that I'm aware of, and some are still hidden in the unconscious darkness.

So what are we to do about it?

We can start becoming aware of our unconscious biases by getting more curious about WHY we are doing what we are doing.

This can be with any area of our life too. For instance, why don't we learn life skills in school? Why do we eat the foods we eat. Why do we react to external circumstances instead of pausing and then responding? Why are we told to get married at a young age? Why are we consumed by the TV or social media?

The mere act of getting curious is enough to start the train to undoing our smallness. We can begin to see we are playing the game of life by other people's rules that were made up long before we were born. So WHY are we still following them?

And when it comes to playing small, trust me, we are definitely following someone else's rules.

It's time to let go of the program and rewrite your own rule book.


With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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