awareness beliefs believe gold grace highest good journal limiting beliefs planting seeds seeds self-worth unaware unconscious worth worthy May 21, 2021

How do we begin to BELIEVE in ourselves and our abilities if we live on the negative self-talk train?

I think finding and having BELIEF in ourselves is simpler than we think it just takes practice. Maybe lots of practice?!

That aside, part of the issue is we're unconscious of our habits that self-sabotage our efforts. We're not even AWARE that we are the only one's getting in the way.

So this means it's time to TAKE NOTES.

Bust out a journal and write down all the things that you tell yourself ABOUT yourself. And this can be with all subjects such as money, relationships, health, career, dream life, etc.

List out as much your heart can handle. Purge it out. Get it out of your unconscious and see really take inventory.

From there, give yourself a HUGE dose of GRACE.


The point of getting all of the sticky blocks out is to become AWARE of our limiting beliefs.

Because we can't change what we don't know NEEDS to be changed.

Okay. Okay. Now grab your journal and, on a new page, write out what YOU would tell yourself as a child about these same subjects. Do NOT edit! Let all of the good stuff out! DO NOT HOLD BACK! And keep this exercise going until you at least have double the amount of loving, supportive, and kind things to say to yourself than the blocks.

This part might be a bit harder because it's not as practiced as our unconscious blocks. We all carry certain beliefs that are not serving our Highest Good, and this exercise helps us shift to new loving self-talk.

Re-Member, be gentle and kind with yourself.

This next step is going to take a bit of effort.

With all of this new information laid out, it's time to treat it like GOLD!

You can pick your top 1 - 5 best nuggets and rewrite them every day. Or you can write one powerful statement on an index card and carry it with you in your purse or pocket. Or look at your gold mine of wonderful self-talk and reread them out loud every morning or every night, or both for extra credit.

Adding in these NEW empowering statements is the SEED to creating BELIEF in yourself. You might not feel it right away, but give it time. Be consistent. Little by little. The seed grows strong roots which allow the plant to flourish to its fullest capacity. BUT the seed MUST be watered. Meaning don't neglect yourself. Do the work.

The rewards come when we BELEIVE we are WORTHY and READY.


With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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