Be the CHANGE.

actions awareness be better begin better better life change choices effort improve life power powerful responsibility struggle transformation words Mar 13, 2021

Our words are extremely POWERFUL.

If we only paid attention to what we're actually saying and how we feel as we're saying them.

I know I seem to be harping from past posts, but we are not as aware as possible.

But becoming aware of our verbal creative force takes effort on our part. And not everyone wants to go down that transformative process.

It's way easier to complain, stay depressed, be stressed, and struggle than it is to change our behavioral patterns.

We say we want our lives to change for the better but hoping for someone else or something else to change for us.

But deep down, we know it's all really up to us.

And yet, we'd rather try the miracle drug to lose weight instead of going to the gym.

We'd rather take prescription drugs to lower our cholesterol rather than change our diet.

We'd rather complain about the boss or coworkers instead of practicing gratitude for having a job.

We'd rather wait for the government to figure out how much money they're going to give us instead of figuring out how to generate our own money.

We'd rather watch Netflix for 3 hours a day than spend 3 hours a day learning a new skill.

We'd rather tear down someone we disagree with instead of taking the time to try to understand them.

We'd rather watch the news full of fear than pick up a book on faith.

We'd rather waste time watching other people's creations on social media than spend time creating our own content.

We'd rather say the system is at fault than investigate our participation and how to change it.

There's an endless laundry list of things we'd rather do than actually take the EFFORT to CHANGE OUR LIVES.

Do you want life to change? The short answer is: YOU ARE THE CHANGE.

Stop waiting, hoping, wishing, or wanting.

We've all heard Mahatma Gandhi's quote before, but it's worth saying again, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

It starts with you.

With lots of LOVE,


#plantingseeds #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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