You are a GENIUS!!!

brilliant conditioned creative express expression genius god power god self god's will power talent unique Jun 16, 2021

I saw an IG video today where this guy talks about how each of us is a GENIUS. And how we're taught to believe that only a select few like Einstein, Mozart, and Di Vinci, can be considered a genius. If you want to watch the video, click HERE.

What he said got me thinking. What does the word GENIUS mean?

The definition says:

  1. extraordinary intellectual and creative power
  2. person with exceptional ability, esp of a highly original kind
  3. natural ability; talent
  4. a person considered as exerting great influence of a certain sort
  5. clever and original
  6. a person who strongly influences for good or ill the character, conduct, or destiny of a person, place, or thing

Yes, the definition also says: A person who has an exceptionally high intelligence quotient, typically above 140.

And most of the time, if not ALL OF THE TIME, we believe GENIUS is meant for only a select few.

 But what if we were CONDITIONED to believe this???

After listening to the IG video, I realized that's exactly what has happened.

Without placing judgment on yourself, reread the first list of definitions. None of the definitions say "PLUS an IQ over 140."

I don't know about you, but I always equated the word GENIUS to someone who HAD to have an exceptionally high IQ to be considered as such.

Good thing for us, that's not true!

EACH of US has GENIUS and is a GENIUS! 

And the reason I am so sure of this is that YOU & I are Divine Spirit in human form! We are walking, talking, breathing, creative individual expressions of GOD. Unique, Perfect, ORIGINAL, Talented, and with an exceptional ability to EXPRESS your God Nature!

It doesn't matter if it's through dance or the other million forms of expressing your natural talents. The more we tap into the Nature of our God-Self, the more we EMBODY our GENIUS!


With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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