Who wants Greatness AND Success?

beyond calling dream dream big dreams energy glory great greatest self greatness master must new posibilities show up success time Jun 02, 2021

There is this "10,000 hours" rule popularized by the author Malcome Gladwell. It simply means if we put in 10,000 hours into our skills, we can become a MASTER at them.

My question to you is:

Are you willing to put in that kind of TIME and ENERGY to become GREAT?


Are you looking for the INSTANT GRATIFICATION feeling of SUCCESS?

To get your answer, you have to ask yourself, what does BEING GREAT and HAVING SUCCESS mean to you?

And can you have one WITHOUT the other?

When I think about these intersecting AND mutually exclusive topics, it seems as if they are very subjective in nature.

On one end, they seem to be interconnected. Meaning you can't have success without being outstanding. And on the other, there are a ton of successful people who are mediocre.

In my opinion, I prefer to have success because it's the EFFECT of being great at something. Not to say we can't celebrate our wins along the journey. That's important to maintain as well.

So if you would rather aim for above average skills and step into the realm of GLORY, it means you MUST put in above average TIME and ENERGY. Dilly-dallying with your gifts isn't going to cut it.

I went into a rant on our MUSTS for our DREAMS on yesterday's post. You can read it HERE.

That being said, if you ARE putting in the time and energy, are you consistent, and are you playing FULL OUT?

Another way of putting it is, are you putting in YOUR 10,000 HOURS?

The best way to know where you're at and what's important to you is to answer these questions for yourself HONESTLY.

  • Are you aiming too low?
  • Do you WANT to be INCREDIBLE at your art?
  • What do you NEED to do to aim for the STARS?
  • Who is someone you can look up to that's achieved what you want to accomplish?
  • Can you do MORE?
  • What else? 

What I want for you is to go BEYOND your limited thinking of what's POSSIBLE and then SHOW UP at 1000%.

Your GREATNESS is Calling!

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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