What if I fail?

acknowledge action just do it move forward perfect Jan 09, 2022

I love this quote from Abraham Hicks, "You never get it done, and you can't get it wrong."

Sometimes when we want to put ourselves out there with our art or work, we freeze because we want it to be perfect. We want people to acknowledge and receive our talents.

But the only person NOT acknowledging and receiving our talents is OURSELVES.

We lack confidence because we can't be seen as subpar to others. And we tell ourselves, "What if I fail?!"

Yes, what happens if we do fail? 

The answer is layered. The fact that we're even stepping up to the plate is a huge win. And even though everyone else's life looks "perfect," it doesn't mean they haven't gone through their own set of failures too.

During meditation, I received the message: "There is no wrong answer." 

So if I'm getting this message today, I have a feeling someone else needs to hear it too.

Look, Abraham Hicks is right. We're NEVER going to stop creating, giving, and sharing who we are with the world. And if that day ever comes, then are we really living?

So let's put on our big boy/ girl pants and MOVE FORWARD with what we've got. Again it will never be perfect, complete, and finished, so let's just freaking DO IT!

Great pep talk! #pow

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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