What I Know for Sure

awareness inspiration know yourself knowing truth wisdom Jun 22, 2022

It's my birthday today, June 22, 2022! And I am turning 48 years young! I don't fully understand what age means, but I definitely feel blessed to live the life I've created.

Back on my birthday in 2020, I did a speech for my Toastmasters group. And today, I realized I never shared it with anyone outside the group. So it seems fitting to share it with you now. It's called "What I Know for Sure."


Oprah wrote a book called "What I Know for Sure." And I thought I might share with you my version of what I know for sure.

  • What I know for sure is that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
  •  Everything in the Universe IS Energy. Like Einstein said, "Energy can not be created or destroyed. It can only be changed from one form to another."
  •  We are Co-Creators with God/ Life/ Universe/ Source Energy. And we are responsible for everything that happens in our lives.
  •  I choose to take responsibility for everything in my life. This means the good, the bad, and the ugly.
  •  We might not be able to change external circumstances, but we CAN change how we view them.
  •  This means Happiness is a choice, and so is struggling. It's up to us to create what we want. And it starts with deliberately deciding what that is.
  •  What I know for sure is that we either choose Fear or Faith. I choose Faith.
  •  We either choose Victimhood or Empowerment. I choose Empowerment.
  •  We either choose to play safe and hide or shine our God-given Gifts with the world.
  •  Brendon Burchard says, "Common sense isn't common practice."
  •  We need to drink more water. We could stand to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  •  Meditation is a great way to connect to our Higher Self.
  •  I love animals. All animals. And I would love to eradicate the horrible practices that are accepted in the form of speciesism.
  •  Becoming vegan was the gateway to understanding how my decisions affect others on this planet.
  •  I recognize that the food I eat matters to my body's well-being and the sentient beings we share on Mother Earth.
  •  What I know for sure is that Mother Earth has answers and can heal all wounds.
  •  Dance is the love of my life.
  •  Dance was the tool I used to manifest my dreams.
  •  My success in dance had everything to do with my passion, focus, and resilience.
  •  Dance allowed me to find myself and my voice.
  •  Dance was meant for me to live, and God gave me this gift.
  •  I love to teach.
  •  Teaching is my next adventure and a part of my God Assignment. I'm on my Path.
  •  What I know for sure is that we are meant to have FUN in life and not take everything so seriously.
  •  We need to laugh more.
  •  We need to take more naps.
  •  What I know for sure is that we need to discover what's right for ourselves. And have the courage to follow our personal truth and knowing.
  •  God is Love. Unconditional Love. And we are here to BE Unconditional Beings as well.
  •  We are Perfect, Whole, and Complete.
  •  We are worthy of whatever our hearts desire.
  •  Each of us has an Assignment on our lives, and it's up to us to receive it and then do that.
  •  It's not up to us to know When, Who, Where, or How our Dreams will happen. That's God's work.
  •  What I know for sure is we are ONE.
  •  We are Powerful.
  •  We are Geniuses.
  •  We are Safe and Loved.
  •  Gratitude and appreciation open doors.
  •  Closed hearts don't get fed.
  •  Love is the answer to all of our problems.
  •  Dreams do come true.
  •  Life keeps getting better and better.
  •  What I know for sure is the BEST is yet to come.
  •  And what I know for sure is I don't know much.

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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