Uniquely You.

being beliefs believe happiness happy one of a kind original perfect release self-worth surrender unique value worth worthy Jul 06, 2021

"Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else." ~ Margaret Mead

Wow! What a statement. There are so many layers to absorb from this one unassuming quote.

On the one hand, each of us is unlike anyone else who has ever existed in all of Eternity. Which is no small feat.

And on the other, so is everyone else. So they are just as unparalleled as the next person.

If this is true, and it is (Abraham-Hicks phrasing), WHY are we all in so much need of social validation from others? Even perfect strangers have the ability to trigger our insecurities.

What's the deal? And what are we missing?

Well, the most straight to the point answer is: We don't BELEIVE in our own UNIQUENESS.

This also goes along with not thinking we are worthy beings. We have to constantly prove, prove, prove. Bending over backward, shouting, "HEY EVERYONE! LOOK AT ME!! SEE, I'M A GOOD PERSON! ACCEPT ME! ACCEPT ME! LOVE ME! SEE ME! I'M SPECIAL! I HAVE SOMETHING TO GIVE. CAN'T YOU SEE! I'M DIFFERENT! I'M SPECIAL! I'M HERE!"


The funny thing is the people who KNOW their inherent uniqueness NEVER shout. They are quite the opposite. Still. Silent. At peace. In love. Full of Grace. Pure. Whole. Worthy.

I want to be like that. Don't you?

I definitely oscillate between the two sides. I guess that's part of the fun of being a human. Imperfectly PERFECT.

Whoever you are, this is the message:

You no longer need to prove another thing to anyone. Ever. Just do you, Boo. And let that be enough AND complete. Stop trying to win and gain electronic metrics to prove you have value and worth. Just start living life in a more relaxed manner. Release the hustle. The grind. The "hard work" to "make" something of yourself. You, my friend, are ALL READY MADE. There's nothing for you to "do" to prove it. All you have to do is enjoy BEING you. Do what makes you the happiest. And if you don't know what that is, go FIND IT. Or better yet, just start being happy for the sake of FEELING HAPPY. Let the Wind lead you. Follow the Whispers. Give in to your Soul. Be free. And there YOU ARE.

I love you, friend.

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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