Touching Truth.

all god harmony justify love medical segregation one peace separation truth unite Nov 04, 2021

I keep thinking if I can change his mind on how he sees medical segregation practices, then I will be happy.

A Course In Miracles says, "He who is "worse" than you must be attacked, so that your specialness can live on his defeat."

It also says because we believe in our own "specialness," it ultimately creates the illusion of separation with All That Is. Since my friend is a part of the All That Is, aka God, I believe he is not my brother in my need to "correct" his views. Therefore, I have turned him into my enemy. And continue the vicious cycle of justified attack on God Itself.

With this post, I'm sharing with you how I do my best to get to the other side of the illusion we are all under so that we can actually touch the Truth.

No matter what each of us believes, to justify the illusion of separation in any form is not knowing the Truth of God.

We believe God takes sides, and of course, we are the "right" ones. Justifiably so. And thinking God will show them!

This ideology only creates and perpetuates division, reactions, pain, and suffering.

And do you know where God stands with all of us in this estranged mess?

At Peace. In Harmony. With Love. FOR ALL OF US.

So by letting go of our need to be "special" allows us to become ONE.

There is the TRUTH we are all searching for.

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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