The TRUTH is.

allowing bad be better better world good illusion open open hearts open-minded perspective point of view right separation truth world peace wrong May 23, 2021

My good friend Gina Starbuck said, "The Truth is circular." #boooooom

That tiny powerful truth bomb blew my mind!

We think we know what the "truth" is, but there are ALL WAYS multiple sides to every perspective. But we've chopped the "truth" into bite sized pieces that fit our view. This or that. Right or wrong. Left or right. Good or bad. In this sense, the "truth" has become relative.

Imagine you and I go on a road trip together and are inseparable the whole time. Then when we get back home, we tell others about our adventure. We would quickly notice we have COMPLETELY DIFFERENT stories.

How does that happen if you and I were inseparable?

Because where ever you go, you take YOU with you. All of your history, beliefs, and emotions go along for the ride. And the same goes for me. So when we go on this imaginary adventure together, our filter or lens on how we see the world skews our experience of the trip.

This is how and why we will NEVER get EVERYONE to agree to world peace, equality, and financial independence for everyone around the world. It's literally impossible.

Not impossible because it CAN'T happen. It's impossible because it WON'T happen.

Each of us has deep-seated unconscious programs running the exterior show we call "life." And THAT'S why it won't happen.

If we look at the state of the world, it is clear there is a large amount of division. And the way that division keeps growing is by everyone thinking THEY are "right" and the others are "wrong." We believe we know the "truth, facts, and stats" to prove them blameworthy.

And our need to be "right" doesn't give space for ANOTHER point of view to exist. And so the great division continues, and world peace wanes.

The TRUTH is we all "say" we want world peace, but none of us are willing to take the first step towards it.

The TRUTH is you are right, AND so are they. But no one is listening.
Closed hearts can't hear.

The TRUTH is we are One, but most people believe in separation.

Today, my request is to seriously consider where you are holding a closed mind because you think you know the "truth" and are "right." Take note of the defense mechanism and open your heart to listen to new and different perspectives.

Like Gina said, "The Truth is circular." This means "This" AND "That" PLUS EVERYTHING ELSE is the accurate answer.

Funny thing about world peace... It starts with you and me.

Let's make space for it ALL.

With lots of LOVE,

PS. If you'd like to check out Gina's IG Live click HERE. And here's the link to my IG Live from today as well.

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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