The most important PROMISE.

abilitiy acknowledge alter awareness change point choices dare extraordinary focus future self greatest self improve let go life magical new way now outstanding promise Mar 03, 2021

What PROMISE do you want to keep?

I use to say, "I don't make promises." I'm not sure where I got that from, and it is a belief I've carried for almost all my life.

Lately, with all the self-development work I've been doing on myself for the past 20 something years, I've realized how I have not kept promises to myself and others.

Although that thought doesn't feel good because it goes into guilt and shame, I know that once something is realized, that's the moment it can be CHANGED.


Awareness of our shortfalls is the beginning of the CHANGE POINT.

It means we get the opportunity to choose a NEW WAY of showing up for ourselves and others.

Really take that in. The power of realizing you no longer have to be, do, and have what you've been, done, and had yesterday.

We have incredibly magical abilities to alter our lives if only we DARE to do, be and have DIFFERENTLY, starting NOW.

Let go of past behaviors, habits, thoughts, and methods that do not serve your GREATEST SELF to be expressed.

Here's your homework assignment:

  • Pick ONE area of your life you want to improve and transform.
  • Imagine your Future Self being, doing, or having that extraordinary future experience.
  • Ask yourself, "What habits, thoughts, beliefs, actions are my Future Self doing to experience that upgraded realm?"

Then ask yourself:

What PROMISE am I willing to keep to EXPERIENCE an outstanding Life?

The very next thing is to write all of your insights down and start ACTING ACCORDINGLY.

Don't worry about falling off the wagon and not being the perfect version of your Future Self because this is about playing the long game.

Stay focused on who you want to become. And then show up like that. Day by day. Little by little. Inch by inch. 

One day you're going to look back on who you use to be, do, and have and say, "Wow! I DID THAT! I changed my life for the better because I CHOSE IT!"

Here's to keeping PROMISES that matter.

With lots of LOVE,


#plantingseeds ##yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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