The FUTURE is HERE. But where are YOU?

artificial intelligence artistry artists blockchain choreographers creators cryptocurrency dancers decentralization defi educated history infinite possibilities minting nft nft art smart contracts the future the internet web 3.0 May 02, 2021

There was an announcement a couple of weeks ago that Venmo now allows cryptocurrency transactions.

That might not seem like a big deal to most people, but I freaked out with excitement when I found out about it today. Yes, I'm late, but also right on time. And so are you!

Back in the early '90s, the public was given access to what we call the World Wide Web, aka www, aka Web 1.0. At the same time, we were given access to use instant messaging, email and create websites.

Now, this might be boring information but stay with me.

The reason I'm sharing a little internet history is that WE ARE AT THE FOREFRONT OF INTERNET HISTORY AGAIN!

Back in the early stages of having email, millions of people dismissed it and claimed they didn't NEED it.

Now, look at us as a society. We can't live WITHOUT it!

My point being, we are on the FRONT LINE of the Internet 3.0, aka Web 3.0.

You might be asking, "Teresa, I have no idea what you are talking about. What does Web 3.0 mean for me? And why should I care?"

Here's why.

Just like email was dismissed in the mid to late 90s, all things crypto, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and decentralization is the NEW EMAIL.

"Ok, what does that mean?"

It means you and I NEED to get EDUCATED NOW!

I am not an expert on any of this, but I know we are headed to NEW INTERNET TERRITORY, where our CREATIVE MINDS are about to be UNLEASHED.

But that can only happen if we know HOW to use it.

To get us started, here's our homework for the next week: 

Go to, Google, or YouTube and start learning about these topics.

  1. Web 3.0
  2. Decentralized Web
  3. Blockchain
  4. Cryptocurrency
  5. NFT (Non-Fungibale Tokens)
  6. Minting
  7. Smart Contracts
  8. DeFi (Decentralized Finance)
  9. Artificial Intelligence

This might seem like A LOT if you're starting at ZERO, but this is the point. We must not get left behind. Let's get EDUCATED NOW so we can create WAVES in the FUTURE.

You can also watch my IG LIVE with @YNOTISM where we talk more in-depth on the importance of this massive shift. WATCH HERE!

The possibilities are ENDLESS. We just have to know HOW TO USE THE TOOLS!

I'm so EXCITED to see what you and I are going to create, and possibly together!

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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