
act of war god self one perspective right truth wrong Nov 23, 2021

I have this daily habit where I read a section of A Course In Miracles. And it keeps talking about the need to be "special" keeps us in the illusion of separation. 

I know I wrote about this recently, but I keep going back to this because I sense for myself a tug of war that I think most of us are going through at the moment.

No matter what we believe when it comes to the government and health, we believe our perspective is the "right" one. Well, I'm not sure about you, so I'll just speak for myself.

I keep wanting to be "right" and make others "wrong." 

But in ACIM, there is no right or wrong, good or bad, true or false. There just IS. And each one of us has a valid perspective no matter how we come to an individual conclusion. Yet, we keep trying to press upon others the "right" way.

The thing that ACIM keeps bringing me back to is the only TRUTH is God's love. And through a loving heart, we get to express the truth of ourselves, our God-Self.

Yet through all the contrast, we use it as a way to claim MORE of our separateness and individuality instead of Re-Membering We Are ONE.

Yes, we can still maintain our individual perspectives and experiences and at the same time not sink into battle with our loved ones that don't agree.

Take note of this: If you find yourself in a debate, notice how much you want to prove yourself. This need is not from a loving place. It comes from the ego. And the ego will do anything to feel superior. It will even cut down your brother if it means the ego gets to "win."

Being human is a beautiful experience. We get to create war or peace, love or hate, fear or faith.

Everything less than love is our ego talking. So let's do our work to clean up this mess.

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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