ONLY in the NOW

deliberate creator divine faith god knowing law of attraction manifest manifesting now source energy the universe time May 10, 2022

Today I heard about a new concept about Divine Timing. The idea being there is NO such thing as Divine Timing!

There is no such thing as Divine Timing because God/ Universe/ Source Energy only expresses itself in the NOW. And time isn't linear either. The past and future all exist in the NOW. So the only moment that's real and true is NOW.

Another way to look at Divine Timing is by saying we're getting into alignment with our desires. And the alignment process is giving credit to God's timing. But again, God's timing is ONLY in the NOW. So when we're not experiencing our desires, it's because we're the ones blocking our manifestations.

God is All Ready giving and BEING our desires. Our job is to let it in and allow the experience of it.

So HOW do we let our desires in???

Again, we get to experience them by KNOWING God ONLY gives in the NOW. Right NOW. And we just need to feel the fulfillment of the KNOWING it IS All Ready Done. This level of KNOWING allows us to let go of the need, want, and patience for our chosen results.

Now that I heard and mulled over this new concept of debunking Divine Timing, as you can see, I would have to agree. There is NO Divine Timing. Only NOW exists. Which, by the way, IS Divine!


With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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