Moving through the ugly

art breakthrough choices choreography confidence creative block creative process creative wall feel flow frustration keep going move forward require resiliance resistance success Mar 02, 2021

Oooooooo how much I dislike creative blocks. I mean, who doesn't?

Today I spent time choreographing for class, and I completely hit a wall.

Nothing seemed to flow or feel good or connect beyond a certain point. It's one of the most challenging feelings a creative can go through.

Thinking on it now after the fact, maybe that's why I don't choreograph as much anymore? The pressure to HAVE something ready to share with others can feel so suffocating.

When it comes to writing this blog every day for the next 30 days, the funny thing is it feels different.

So what IS the difference??

Maybe because writing is a new creative outlet, whereas choreographing is connected to some internal subconscious pressure? hhhmmmm. I might be on to something.

I'm guessing I have some internal stories that make me question my abilities and confidence. Actually, I know I have internal stories that are affecting my love of choreography. 

At one point, I was so frustrated I almost felt a crying session come on, but I didn't do it. Instead, I started the song over from the beginning and kept it moving. And then something happened!

The moves connected and flowed, and the pressure was off! Whew!

That resistance, creative block, the wall is all in our heads. And at that frustrating moment, we have a choice.

To give up or keep going?

Unfortunately, most people give up when it gets REALLY F*ING UGLY.

But if you're reading this, I suspect you're not one of them or don't want to be.

Artists like us are REQUIRED to push through the resistance if we want to succeed with our art. There's no getting around this point.

So what are you going to do?

Are you going to let frustration stop you from moving forward?

Or are you going to break through no matter how ugly it might feel?

I have a feeling I know your answer. #boom #pow

With lots of LOVE,


#plantingseeds #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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