Metaverse is here.

alternate reality blockchain cryptocurrency metaverse new world now reality the future Nov 18, 2021

The Metaverse is coming. Well, it's actually here.

I've noticed my real-life reality is entirely different from the realities I see on social media.

There are so many people who claim the sky is falling. And maybe it is. Yet when I look back into my tangible world, it's nothing like that.

The double-edged sword of technology has brought the world together and torn us apart. And we get to choose which side we want to experience. Do we want to go into the metaverse of injustice, happy babies, good deeds, violence, vanity, surface-level entertainment, cute animals, unseen destinations, or catch a glimpse of people we know? This way of connecting to the world seems normal and easy, yet it is progressing into another dimension with virtual reality and augmented reality so quickly.

And it's happening so fast we won't even realize the change has taken over because we're all like frogs in boiling water. HINT: the water is heating up as we speak.

We're at a crossroads of understanding what's coming and how to use it instead of unknowingly letting this new tech world use us.

Enter with caution. Or not. The choice is yours.

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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