Love Yourself. Change the World.

choose choose love collective god humanity knowing love mother nature one the universe truth whole wisdom Aug 18, 2021

God loves us.

The Universe loves us.

Mother Nature loves us.

But you know who doesn't?


Humans are the only ones who withhold love or feel hate.

But it's not personal because people don't love themselves. They don't know that we are Brothers and Sisters of God. They have forgotten this fundamental Truth.

They don't know that everyone and everything that shows up in their experience is a reflection of themselves. So the disdain they feel for another is simply the disdain that THEY ARE. And they unconsciously use someone else as the "reason" to have disdain in their heart.

We, humans, are tricky like that. We love to look outside of ourselves to be horrified by the tragedies of the world. (Myself included.) 

But recognizing this important point allows us to release the notions of separation and begin to see We Are The Collective. Your fear is my fear. Your joy is my joy.

And yet, we get to CHOOSE if we WANT to own each other's fears and joys.

That's the difference.

You're allowed to feel and believe whatever you want. And so do I. And so do they.

There is no wrong answer here. It just IS. All of it IS. Doesn't make it right or wrong.

And again, here's where the human part comes in...

The forgetfulness of our Wholeness is the cause of all of our drama, trauma, and pain.

So the way we get back to KNOWING our Oneness is by beginning to love ourselves as God loves us.

This is the missing piece.

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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