Lead the Way.

all connection flow freedom god highest good leader let go let god spirit the way trust Sep 13, 2021

11:16 pm

Me: God, I am yours. What do you have for us today?

Spirit: You are sweet and innocent, but you believe otherwise. So many hardships and heartache along the way have clouded your vision. You keep believing in the smoke that's all around you as real and true, but you already know this is an illusion. Yet you still believe in it. On the outside layer of that last hint of smoke is your freedom. Freedom from others, freedom from yourself, freedom from anything that makes you hold back. I don't know how to express it in better terms Who You Really Are. You are Me. I AM you. We are ONE. There is no separation, only Allness.

Go back to the beginning of your day and attune to Me first. Even if it's for 5 minutes, get back to Our connection first. This one practice will clear out that cloudiness of your life into clarity, patience, love, grace, understanding, compassion, love, and joy. Open your heart to what I have for you, and at the same time, you share with Me your Highest Goals. I will help you get there, my child. Let Me lead the way.

Me: Thank you. Thank You for the Re-Minder to put You FIRST. Tomorrow is a new day, and I can't wait to reconnect. Thank You.

Spirit: We are connected right now.

Me: I know, and I feel that and I don't mean to sound dismissive, but I want to have this connection in the morning like I used to.

Spirit: Okay, that sounds good, but it doesn't matter to Me when or how because We are Interconnected at All Times.

Me: I guess what I want is to Re-Mind myself to let You lead at the beginning of my day.

Spirit: My child, I AM already leading.

Me: Okay, okay, I'll let go! lol

Spirit: Stop trying to force Our relationship. You and I just ARE at ALL TIMES. Relax, let Me do the heavy lifting, which I am already doing. You just seem to think you're handling it yourself. Let go and Flow with Me. Trust. I will take Us far and wide.

Good Night.

With lots of LOVE,
Friend of Teresa

#plantinfseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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