Keep it simple.

beliefs better life change clear co-create complex create curiosity curious gift life open simple the universe willing Mar 28, 2021

Life is short and sweet, but we're the ones who complicate it.

Not to say Life isn't complex and intricate, but we confuse that with the simplicity of how to CO-CREATE with the Universe.

One of the things that trip us up is having to undo all of the unconscious beliefs and behaviors we were taught by our parents, teachers, and society.

And THAT is A LOT of undoing on our part. But unlearning can be done.

The undoing requires us to become more curious, open, and willing to let go of what we think is "true and right."

Any time we find ourselves in a rigid belief about anything, even if it's "good," it means we have an opportunity to reevaluate what's true for us.

And that's a GIFT.

A simple and effective way to get clear on what we want and who we want to become.

Here's my challenge to you.

  1. Begin taking inventory of what you believe to be true about yourself, others, and the world.
  2. Then look at an area in your life that pertains to your beliefs and notice if you like what you're experiencing in your life right now.
  3. If you don't like what you see and are experiencing, that means you have some cleaning up to do. And the QUICKEST way to go about that is to get CURIOUS about YOUR BELIEFS. Work on connecting the dots from your thoughts to your experience because the dots ARE THERE. You just don't know it yet.

The simplest way to change the world is to start at the root... YOU.

With lots of LOVE,


#plantingseeds #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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