It Just IS.

clear consistency ease ego flow fun god god power god self higher self inner being life mind perfect spirit think truth Sep 17, 2021

11:24 pm

Me: I'll get out of the way. What do we need to know today?

Spirit: You seem confused by using your thinking mind and hearing Spirit. We can tell you're not always sure how to tell the difference or even if there is a difference. Yes and no.

Yes, the difference between your mind and your Higher Self is your mind can easily get caught up by the ego, and you can't tell it has taken over. Whereas your Higher Self is always consistent, clear, and never pushy. 

The ego can filtrate a thought and provide the assurance that you are either the victim or that you are the victor. But the connected God-Self is Truth without a desired outcome. It just IS. No judgment either way.

Another way to tell the difference between the two is to notice how you feel. What do your emotions tell you? If you're feeling angry, frustrated, betrayed, this is your ego talking. The ego will always do its best to protect you from "harm," whether that's emotional or physical. It is trying to protect you.

Your Inner Being never needs protecting. It never has the urge to defend or fight anyone or anything. Because your Inner Being IS Truth, and It doesn't need another person to validate or even acknowledge It as True. There is a calm serenity and peace that flows from you without needs or wants. The moment in time is absolute Perfection. And it feels as if it and you are enough. Nothing to prove. And nothing to hide. You are open, willing, and happy to flow and create. In a relaxed manner, life is exciting, natural, blessed, and easy. How wonderful to know this about yourself.

Practice getting to this place if you can. And We know you can. It's worth the attention and time. Life is meant to be easy and fun. So get out of your own way and drop the ego thinking mind from controlling your everyday life. Step into your Divine Power and be free.

Good night.

With lots of LOVE,
Friends of Teresa

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