Inspiration + Action = ???

action creative block creative power ego follow-through infinite possibilities inspiration inspired action new ideas new posibilities playing small trust Apr 03, 2022

Inspiration comes and goes. Yet the Power of Inspiration only has an effect when we take action.

There's that feeling of excitement, the mind is racing with ideas, and then the small, mediocre self comes in to squash all of it.

And unfortunately, the small-minded ego wins that battle. You know it's true! 

We have so many incredible ideas that come to us, and that's all they will ever be, an idea in our minds.

But what if we took ACTION towards the fulfillment of the inspiration? What would our lives look like if we followed through to the end?

I sense our lives would look a WHOLE LOT DIFFERENT!

Not only do we get to experience the process of creation, which is an amazing feat in itself, but we also get to start TRUSTING ourselves too. And instilling trust in ourselves, our talents, and abilities is the point of the assignment anyway.

So next time you get zapped with inspiration, I dare you to put the ego aside and do it anyway. I'm already excited for you! I can't wait to see what you come up with!

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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