believe claim confidence empowered gifts here i am journey path self self-worth success talents unique Jun 02, 2022

Today I talked with a dancer about where she's at and where she is going. And the conversation made me realize how most of us don't believe in ourselves, myself included. As I was sharing some advice, I realized how easy it was for me to build her up.

The word choices and emotions I genuinely have for her reaching the next level poured out effortlessly, which felt so good to see something in her that she has yet to own. Being an observer of her life, there were no issues of my own self-worth or lack of confidence, or fear getting in the way.

I'm sure you have seen things in others that they themselves can't see, and it seems so clear.

So why can't we see how incredible we are when it comes to believing in ourselves and our Gifts?

On one side, we want to be seen, liked, and validated, and on the flip side, we do things to play small, distract ourselves from our Purpose, and shy away from announcing who we are. Ugh! 

Aren't you ready to get off the "hiding" bus and start being your bad-ass, bold, and confident self?

I know sometimes we wait for permission. But permission from who? YOU are the owner of YOUR life. YOU get to make up the rules. YOU get to create your own unique lane. And hint, hint, your unique path is the secret to YOUR success.

Isn't it time to start supporting yourself the same way you would for others? Isn't it time to start recognizing your value? And isn't it time to start claiming who you are and the power you carry?

As I told my dancer friend, one of the quickest ways to feel empowered is to start by claiming: I AM HERE!

Take up space, announce who you are, and believe in YOURSELF!


With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose


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