Hit Publish

create dance express flow give show up writers block writing Jan 25, 2022

Come out! Come out! Wherever you are?!

This is my third attempt at writing, and I'm unsure why things are not flowing. My sentences seem disengaged from one another, and it feels like a start and stop writing session.

I used to have those moments when I made up choreography, and I disliked that feeling tremendously.

So to find myself feeling that way with writing makes me find new ways to go around the blocks. And so far, so good.

As you can see, there are written sentences that you are reading. That means something is coming out. Whether it has any meaning or if it's any good, it doesn't matter.

What does matter, and I've pointed this out a lot in previous posts, is SHOWING UP.

That's it. Show up and express where you're at. There are no wrong answers in creativity and expression. But because we're in the social media era, we fall into this mental trap of "perfection" so we can feel worthy and accepted. 

What a load of crap.

I didn't dance to be perfect or even to be accepted. I did it because I LOVED IT! Period. I was obsessed.

And like dance, writing has become my compulsion. It has become a MUST. I can not not go a day without expressing myself through the written word.

What a trip.

I don't even have an end game in mind. I just know I MUST write once a day and hit publish.

And because I feel this urge to write, it allows me to not care how it's received or even IF it's received at all.

All I can say is as a society that feeds off of needing approval ratings through "likes," you're doing yourself a disservice by not unabashedly sharing who you are with the world.

Who gives a f^@& what anyone else thinks about you?! Do you Boo Boo! Get out there and hit PUBLISH!

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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