Happy Manifesting!

deliberate creator desire detach dream dreams do come true knowing law of attraction manifest manifesting wanting Apr 15, 2022

When it comes to manifesting our desires, the two basic parts that are the most challenging are:

  1. Getting clear on what we want.
  2. Letting go or detaching from needing what we want.

That's it in a nutshell.

This might sound easy, but these two elements are where people get tripped up.

  1. People think they know what they want, but if you listen to them speak, they talk about what they DON'T want most of the time. And once they realize they're addicted to claiming what they DON'T want, they start to see how challenging it is to claim what they DO want. This is the practice for the first half of the equation. Get clear on what the desire IS, not what it ISN'T.
  2. Once there is a clear desire, the practice now becomes HOW to let go and detach from needing the dream to happen. The very act and belief in WANTING something are actually reinforcing to the Universe that the desire isn't here yet. This means the attention is MORE on the lack of it than the KNOWING IT IS DONE. The practice is getting into the feeling space or state of already having it before the desire becomes a physical manifestation.

That's the work.

Imagine you want a cup of coffee in the morning. The fact that you know it exists means there's no resistance or believing it's not here yet. You don't think there is a lack of coffee. You know it's already there, so you do all the things that allow you to have your cup of coffee.

Our dreams are precisely the same, but because we put so much weight and importance on them, we start believing things that aren't true. For instance, we start doubting if we're worthy, how and when it will happen, and we focus on the fact that the dream isn't here yet.

Try this trick.

Imagine your desire is as easy as getting a cup of coffee. The feeling of no resistance, no pressure, and no concerns is a part of the process. You just go about your day as if the dream is HERE and EASY to experience. There is no need to think about when, who, where, or how it will happen. You already know you will receive your dream as easily as that cup of joe.

#boom #boom #pow

There it is, folks! Happy Manifesting!

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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