
control discrimination free will freedom humanity justify mainstream media medical segregation personal freedom Nov 12, 2021

Yes!!! #FreeBritney 

Today is her day of claiming her FREEDOM back. Good for her!

She finally had the courage to speak out and shed the external pressure of living a life by someone else's rules.

It sounds a lot like what's happening out in the world, and the similarities between Britney and Humanity are uncanny.

For 13 years, she was told she had to do certain things in order to live a certain type of life. Her choices were limited. She was in her own version of a lockdown. And she had people who were in charge telling her what she could and couldn't do.

This is no way to live. I can't think of a single person I know who would willingly choose to live this way. 

And yet, that's exactly what millions of people worldwide are doing. 

The people in charge, aka the White House, CDC, WHO, FDA, State and Local Officials, and business owners telling others HOW to live. They are threatening people's livelihoods to inject experimental drugs into their bodies to live a certain type of life. And if they don't, their choices are limited. People who do not comply with the demands of others must be kept away from a free society and are being told what they can and can not do.

Looking at Britney's lead-up to her conservatorship, she was portrayed by the media as being erratic, mentally unstable, and a possible health risk to herself and others. So people with good intentions came in to "help keep her safe."

The long list of people making up the rules in the name of "public safety" is no different from the intentions of Britney's conservators. 

I do believe there are people with good intentions but have lost sight of AT WHAT COST?

 I've listened to Britney's 20-minute plea to the judge back in June. She talks about how angry she is because she has been silenced and controlled.

And I can relate. I have felt so angry that the people I love can't see the intimidation, threats, coercion, manipulation, lies, and control that is being pressed upon HUMANITY.

Just as Britney should not be forced to do or not do something against her will, neither should HUMANITY.

And anyone who agrees with mandates and discrimination practices might as well wear the same Conservator title as Britney's custodians.

I'm truly happy for her. She deserves all the love, freedom, joy, and grace to live as she pleases.

And so do I. So do millions of others who want the freedom to live exactly as they please without repercussions or dismissal for not living by someone else's rules.

You either see the similarities, or you don't. And if you don't, it's because your mindset is the same as her conservators. Justifying controlling behavior and tactics in the name of "keeping us safe."



With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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