Find Our Power

faith freedom god god power money power source supply Oct 20, 2021

I'm going to be super blunt.

The mandates have pressured people into injecting a drug they don't want because they believe their money supply comes from that one job. So, unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on the perspective, people have fallen prey to the illusion of lack and powerlessness.

People have given their power away by believing the job, boss, or company is their sole financial provider. And because of this deceiving impression, people complied with taking action based on someone else's demand.

And to feel as if the one job, boss, or company is their only way of receiving money means they do not understand God and the Power of God. There is a massive lack of Faith for those that felt cornered and caved.

This is not a judgment. This is an observation.

I wish there were a better way to express how people still have the ability to change things around, even after deciding to succumb to someone else's criteria. 

This whole life-altering moment in time has given us the massive opportunity to FIND OUR POWER. We are being asked to stand in our personal Knowing and feel the confidence of our Truth without needing permission or validation. 

It is more apparent than ever that this is THE POINT of the last year and a half.

If you still believe someone else is your supply, then some internal work needs to be done. Once you can get to the Knowing that GOD IS YOUR SUPPLY, that is the day your life is changed forever. This means you are free!

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscaliing #moveonpurpose

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