
aim dreams focus gifts goals mission playing small purpose social media talents May 31, 2022

Distractions was the name of the game today. My coach Rob Reynosa keeps trying to get me to recognize I'm spending my time and energy on things that don't move the needle. And he's not wrong. lol

Every week we talk, and it's something new at the forefront of my life. Sometimes it's deep and impactful topics, and then there are the distractions that rear their ugly heads. And Rob has no problem letting me know I need to wake the F* up!

I realized I'm in a super comfy place in my life, and that's why these emotional diversions keep popping up. They're easy to get enthralled with and waste my time. And then the realization is if I spend my time on things that don't matter, then I get to continue playing small and be safe. #pow

Does any of this sound familiar?

Why do you think social media is so enticing? It's one of the biggest distractions, outside of TV, that's easily accessible whenever we don't want to focus on our important goals and missions. I don't know about you, but IG is definitely using me instead of me using it for a higher purpose.

And at the same time, it can be a wonderful tool to share our creativity and ideology and connect to others who get what we're saying. It's actually a pretty great invention if only we could undo the emotional mind grip it has on our ego's need to be safe and play small.

So I ask you, are you allowing yourself to be distracted by the little things, like social media, so you don't have to focus on what's important to you? Hmmm.

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose


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