accomplished commitment consistency discipline inspired action procrastination self-esteem show up Oct 31, 2021

I'm exhausted today. I could literally fall asleep at my desk if I let myself. But I can't not NOT show up and write.

There is this level of commitment for showing up that I can't seem to comprehend. I just know it's time to write—end of story.

I want that same commitment with other things in my life, but I can't seem to find it.

Here's my list of things I "say" I want to accomplish:

  • workout three times a week
  • meditate daily
  • redo my website
  • weekly newsletter

There's way more to this list, but you get the idea. I tell myself I want to accomplish these things, yet they sit there idly waiting for my attention and followthrough.

I'm reading the incredible book "Leading an Inspired Life" by Jim Rohn. He talks about the importance of DISCIPLINE and how it's the foundation for all the challenges I'm discussing here.

Jim Rohn says the little moments of discipline add up, whereas procrastination erodes our self-esteem and confidence.

I would have to agree with him on that one.

This week's homework is to be mindful of all of the little moments where we get to practice self-discipline. It could be washing out the dish you just used instead of leaving it in the sink. It could be putting three things away a day, or implementing one new habit, and practicing becoming consistent with just that. 

Since I began reading the book, I have been saying the word to myself in my mind, "discipline." It helps me shift into doing more when the other option is to do nothing.

I hope you join me!

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose


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