Cry for Help?

awareness differently god illusion knowing perspective truth wisdom Oct 17, 2021

No matter how people act out in the world, they are still a child of God. Just like you and I, every single human on this planet is a walking, talking, breathing, living being of God.

When we see others lashing out and causing harm, chaos, destruction, and pain, we believe they are a "bad" person and need punishment. But what if we completely flipped how we view others and saw their damaging behavior as a cry for help?

On some level, we are all playing a part in each other's perception of separation. We have forgotten that you are my brother and sister, and so are they. So when we choose to condemn someone else's actions, we reinforce the illusion of separation. And this dirty game is socially and morally acceptable by everyone who lets their egos take charge.

You almost have to be at Saint status to understand the ego and its part in the world's corruption. 

So what are we to do?

The key is AWARENESS. 

Once we become aware of the ego choosing to label others as good and bad, right and wrong, acceptable and rejectable, we have a beautiful opportunity to look at the person or circumstance in a New Light.

That new perception allows us to see that God is at the HEART of tragedy, loss, pain, struggle, and war.


 To believe otherwise is to believe in the illusion of separation.

If this feels as if this one is a harder pill to swallow, that's okay. All I ask is that you don't dismiss this Truth. Instead, take time to sit with this Wisdom and ask yourself, "How is this True?"

Give God the space and time to whisper the Answer. You might be surprised by what you hear.

I'm excited for us to explore this Knowing and then apply it to our everyday lives.


With lots of LOVE,

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