Create or Destroy.

action art be better beast of creativity better brave choices creativity curiosity destruction fixed mindset good gossip growth mindset inspired action judgment monster of destruction move forward reaction trust unwilling May 31, 2021

We're either feeding the Beast of Creativity or the Monster of Destruction.

Here are some tell-tell signs of which one you're currently experiencing.

The Monster of Destruction typically says, believes, feels, and acts in these ways:

  1. Gossip. This is not new information, but it's worth the reminder. If you find yourself leaning into gossip or bad-mouthing others on the regular, it may mean it's time to CHECK yourself FIRST. Remember, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
  2. Reacting. There's a HUGE difference between REACTING vs. RESPONDING. Reacting creates MORE separation, drama, and pain for ALL sides. It's okay to honor your own pain and, at the same time, NOT add fuel to the fire. Take a deep breath and count to 100 if you need to, but lashing out is destructive behavior.
  3. Unwillingness. Being unwilling to listen and make space for other's opinions and decisions keeps us from having an open heart and truly connecting to one another. Unwillingness keeps us isolated and alone, which can spiral into more isolation and loneliness. It's a vicious cycle.
  4. Judgmental. Being judgmental of others is a chain of pain that holds our minds captive. It means we would rather be "right," "in control," or "better" than others than to be happy and peaceful. It's a mental trap that zaps a ton of productive endeavors.
  5. Fixed Mindset. Having a fixed mindset on how life works prevent us from seeing the GOOD life has to offer. Maintaining our beliefs as "truth" typically doesn't serve us and has harmful consequences. Holding onto our beliefs doesn't allow us to grow, evolve, or change for the better. We have no power with a fixed mindset.

The Beast of Creativity typically says, believes, feels, and acts in these ways:

  1. Curiosity. Staying curious about others, our understanding of the world, and who we want to become is an essential part of the creative process. Ask the question. Receive the answer. Move forward. Rinse and repeat.
  2. Brave. Feeding the Creativity Beast requires us to constantly put ourselves out there. We don't hold back. We're constantly on the move FORWARD, no matter how we're received. There's no getting around this point. Be BRAVE, my friend!
  3. Inspired. As creators of our world and art, tapping into inspiration is an absolute. We feel compelled to act in a positive, generous spirit. An ah-ha moment, idea, or feeling becomes so overwhelming we MUST do something. It's the feeling of satisfaction and relief into one.
  4. Trust. We trust we're being led by some grander vision. And as long as we keep going forward, things WILL work out. All of our efforts will bear the sweet fruit of our labor.
  5. Growth Mindset. With a growth mindset, we are on a constant hunt for more, better, best for ourselves and our art. We listen. We stay open. We share. We challenge. We move. We evolve. Forever.

I want to challenge you this week to take note of which aspect you are fostering. Noticing which way you're leaning so, you can DO something about it.

Either pullback from the Monster or strengthen the Beast.

With lots of LOVE,


#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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