Are you selfish?

co-create conditioned duality energy feel feelings freedom happy healthy boundaries honor humanity ownership reality relationships responsibility responsible self society vibration Aug 02, 2022

I'm back, and happy I took a few days off from the blog. And as I get back to writing, I realize there is an unspoken feeling of being responsible for others at the expense of our needs and desires. Meaning we are conditioned to put others first.

I've written about this before, but it's an aspect of life we all have to face, especially regarding the people closest to us. We somehow feel responsible for their happiness and well-being. Yet that's not our job, no matter how intimate or related we are to the ones we share our life with.

You might be thinking, "Well, isn't that selfish of us to put ourselves first?"

The simple answer: No.

The layered answer has to do with understanding a few key ideas.

  1. Each of us creates our reality. This idea is the foundation for all of the other layers. Without this awareness, the rest will still seem like "selfishness."
  2. Now, if I create my own reality, so does every single person on the planet. This is because the Natural Laws are in play for ALL, not for some, or in an arbitrary manner.
  3. So since I create my reality, and so does the rest of the 7.9 Billion people on Earth, which includes you, then there is no law of assertion. Every condition in our experience is created by the self through our Energetic Self.
  4. Our Energetic Self is in connection with the All of Existence. This means we are in a Co-Creative process with God, Life, the Universe, Source Energy, Infinite Intelligence, or Higher Power. (Pick whichever version fits your beliefs.)
  5. This Co-Creative process, which we are automatically in, allows us to experience the duality of responsibility. This duality allows us to choose either end of the stick.
  6. We can choose to "feel" responsible for other people's creations emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually and put their needs before our own. Or we can accept that whatever they are experiencing is a complete creation through their personal beliefs and Vibrational Energy, which frees them and us from feeling responsible for each other.

I sense you might be saying, "That still seems selfish to me. Am I supposed to not care about the well-being of others and do my part to help humanity?"

Everything I just shared does not mean we can't care and do for others. The difference is caring and doing for others based on understanding what's best for us IS best for them. When we put our needs first, we are no longer hostage to others' demands and polite requests.

This type of living freely creates healthy boundaries that become easy to implement. Of course, people will still call us selfish, but what they're really saying is, "Stop being so selfish and come over here and do what I want you to do so that I can feel happy, safe, loved, better, important..."

I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty selfish to me.

With lots of LOVE,

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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