All Ways ONE.

alignment automatic writing channeling connection divine wisdom god god is god power spirit spiritual truth writing Aug 20, 2021

Yesterday's blog post was written in a way I usually write for myself. I ask questions to Spirit/ Inner Being/ Higher Self/ God, and I let It take the wheel. I do my best to stay out of the way and receive Wisdom. It's a practice I've been doing for years; I just don't share it with others. I started to receive Information before writing this, so that's where I'll start and see where we end up.


Me: Is there a Universal Truth?

Spirit: Yes.

Me: What is It?

Spirit: It's called Love and Oneness.

Me: Why is it so challenging to feel, believe, and be Love and Oneness?

Spirit: Because you have forgotten what They feel like. The physical world with your physical senses has taken hold of your Spirit and contained it.

Me: Contained what?

Spirit: Contained your Spirit as an individual aspect roaming the Earth, alone and desperate.

Me: Desperate for what?

Spirit: Acknowledgment. That you exist. That you are real. That you matter. That you are important. That you are of value and have worth. None of which you believe about yourself. You all believe you must PROVE your worthiness. And in that desperate place of validation, you keep asking others to see you and love you. But you don't love, see, and value yourself. You just live to strive. Live to survive. That's not what We intended.

Me: What did You intend for us?

Spirit: We intended for you to have the human experience and also tap into your Personal Power. Your God Power. It's innate and your True Nature.

Me: Ok. So why aren't we feeling or knowing this about ourselves?

Spirit: That's part of what We intended for you. To figure it out. To have free will with this idea of limitation, but in actuality, there is no limit to your ability to create or destroy. And yes, you have the power to do both in the physical sense, but in the Eternal Spiritual sense, you just ARE. That's it. There is nothing good or bad, right and wrong, up and down, left and right. There's only is ISness.

God IS. And so are you.

Your part that you're searching for is how to BE more of your God Self.

Me: Yes! How do we do THAT?!

Spirit: By Re-Membering, you all are Love and Oneness.

RE-Member. Put yourself back together. Not with your thinking mind, but with/ through the releasing of your physical senses. Connect to the Love you are, and so is everyone else. That includes people you dislike, don't understand, judge, condemn, push away. They are just as much a walking, breathing, talking version of Love as you are. But again, you don't even know that about yourself, so how can you see that in someone else. Which by the way they are the Same as you. They ARE you. You just think you're separate from them because you have contained your importance of self above the Love That You Are. It is more important to be right and angry than release the judgment and BE Love. 

Me: It sounds so simple, yet it seems as if we are trapped by moral codes, identity, and lack. As if we're always on the hunt for more of what they/ others have?

Spirit: To be alive in this very moment is lost on other people's dramas. You keep trying to FEEL alive by being angry and upset and needing to fix or correct things. And right there, the breath you breathe is the most miraculous gift wasted on pain and suffering, whether it's your own or others.

You have the chance to make it simple. Get back to You.

All is well if you allow it to be well. Your Higher Self knows this but will never interfere with your human mind and body connection. It's time to integrate your Spirit, your God Self into the living life equation. The more you shut Us out, the more you will suffer. Not because we want that for you but because we can not force you to do it differently until you're ready. But We will All Ways be there. Every breath. We are there. Sending you signals, inspiration, wisdom, fun, vitality, peace, love, and harmony. Now it's up to you to Listen and Receive. This thing called Life is a Co-Creative process.

Me: How do I know this isn't me my personality writing this?

Spirit: Does it matter?

Me: To me, it does.

Spirit: Why?

Me: Because how am I suppose to know if this is the Truth? Divine Wisdom?

Spirit: It sounds as if you're trying to separate yourself from Yourself. And that's what we're saying. That's what We've been saying. You ARE Love and Oneness. So stop thinking and believing you are alone in this. We're telling you right now you will NEVER be alone because of your Oneness. Stop feeding the story of isolation. The whole Universe sees YOU! It IS YOU! We understand your limited mind and perspective has a difficult time grasping this. But this IS THE TRUTH YOU SEEK.

Every time you take a breath, that is US. You and I. The Collective. All Ways ONE.

That's it for today, till next time.

With lots of LOVE,

Friends of Teresa 

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose


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