Affirmations work. Period.

affirm affirmations aim beliefs better life future self game changer i am life-changing limiting beliefs new self procrastination productivity Mar 16, 2021

Affirmations work. (Only if we believe this to be true.)

This isn't new information, but it's life-changing when appropriately used.

We constantly affirm something into our lives, whether it's something that supports our Dreams or argues for our limitations.

The most potent AFFIRMATION is: I AM.

And anything that follows the claim I AM is who we think we are.

I have a friend who took notice of an affirmation I have been using my whole adult life. I have been saying, "I am a procrastinator."

But I no longer want or choose to be that person. It has not served me and my productivity.

Instead of claiming the person we continue to be, we have to change our words after I AM. Below is an example of becoming anew and showing up in a new and better way.

Here are some ideas for new AFFIRMATIONS when it comes to procrastinating:

  • I AM incredibly prepared and organized ahead of schedule for all projects.
  • I AM fantastic at being 15 mins early for meetings.
  • I AM outstanding at keeping my commitments to myself and others.

The next layer to set the new AFFIRMATIONS is adding, "Why they are important and why I MUST apply them into my life."

  • Being incredibly prepared and organized ahead of schedule builds confidence in my abilities and allows me to smash deadlines.
  • Being early for meetings reinforces being prepared, which will enable me to be at ease when I show up and honor their time and my own.
  • Being outstanding at keeping my word to myself and others builds trust between others and myself and creates positive progress in my life.

This is an example of changing a limiting belief into an AFFIRMATION to support our NEW Self.

With anything, we most likely won't be the NEW Self right away, so we'll need to give ourselves some grace.

The objective is consistency, not perfection until we hit perfection, if that's possible, lol.

It's time to begin AFFIRMING who we choose to be instead of reconfirming who we've been.

Can you do me a favor? Can you let me know by EMAILING ME what limiting belief you've been holding on to that doesn't serve the person you know you're meant to become and your 3 NEW AFFIRMATIONS that you're applying. I'm serious EMAIL ME! I want to hear from you!

I appreciate you and happy to be apart of your journey of transformation!

With lots of LOVE,


#plantingseeds #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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