experience feelings god god's love life love magnificent mother nature one question everything release Aug 31, 2021

11:10 pm

Me: What do we need to know today? What is our message?

Spirit: Feeling is the secret to your success. Your emotions tell you exactly what you are in the middle of creating at every single moment. Take note. You dismiss your emotions as the pain and suffering of your life from the exposure to the outside world, but this is a form of self-neglect. You all have the power to change your world, and yet you sit idly by as your life unfolds as some particular horror story to which you have no control over.

My children, you are lost at sea, and We are calling you back to shore. If only you could learn to listen with your heart instead of your sight and mind. Thinking through life is a tragic one dimensional way to live. It is so limiting. And We keep whispering to you there is another way through and out of your misery.

There are no set of rules that said you must prove your worthiness before you can become happy, rich, in love, or safe. You are All Ready, all of that, and more. We are so gentle with you while you continue to dismiss Us with your current physical reality.

Attempt to let go of EVERYTHING you think you know as true and real. If people call the sky is blue, is it really blue? Or is it a strange range of orange, pink and purple at times? And yet, if you were to answer the question, "What is the color of the sky?" your answer will almost always be "blue." This tiny example reflects how limited the individual human perspective is. All of Life is a Range of EVERYTHING. And you want to box Life into compartments and labels. None of which are real and true. Life as you know it will never be as small as you claim it to be because Life is beyond your tiny mind. Life is Magnificent.

All the while, you stare at your devices and proclaim, "The sky is falling!" If only you could see the beauty of your child's face sitting there next to you, coloring or playing or singing their favorite song.

Release the need to claim how terrible the world is and pointing the finger at who's to blame. There is no justice for those who harbor resentment. The Truth is, Life is the most delicious and delectable experience. There's so much beauty in the world stirring all around you.

Unplug from the trance of negativity, the shadow, the darkness that seems to mostly live in your pocket or on your tv. Life is meant to live out there out beyond your handheld screen. It is truly a sickness worth curing.

I AM calling you. Free yourself from all the ways you stay "connected" and go be with Me instead. Get back to your Mother. She is right outside your door. She is eagerly awaiting your arrival to come and play. She will feed you and nourish your Soul. The way back to you is through Us. Together again. As ONE.

I love you. We love you. Now it's time for you to love you.


With lots of LOVE,
Friends of Teresa

#plantingseeds #dreamsdocometrue #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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